Ethnic type: afro-hispanic / latin
Range age: 18-30
Year of birth: 1995
Height: 175cm
Weight: 64-68
Eye color: light brown
Natural Hair Color: dark brown
Current country of residence: Spain
Country of birth: Dominican Republic
Country in which the artist grew up during his childhood: Madrid
Town and province where you usually reside: Madrid, Asturias
Possible accommodation: Madrid, Barcelona (Spain), new jersey (USA), Miami (Florida), London (UK) and Dominican Republic.
MATERNAL Languages: Spanish
Dialects: catalan
Accents: colombian, african cuban, british , american,
Other Languages: English
American Carnage-Dir. Diego Hallivis
Dos rombos- Dir. ricardo carvajal
Palmeras en la Nieve-dir. Fernando Gonzalez Molina.
Los héroes del mal-dir. Zoe berriatua.
The silent weeping
Safari – Fred
El juego – Code
Coincidencias – Leo
Life vest under your seat – NON
TV series:
Regreso a Las Sabinas
Maricón perdido
kosta(the paradise)
Not and Found – JACK
La vida es sueño calderón de la barca. Compañía Nueva barraca
Gazoline. Dir. Jose luis arellano
Pablito y sus movidas Dir. Malcolm sitté.
Crónicas de un secuestro dir. Lidio sanchez
Fifa 2019
Maldita nerea ft leire martinez «cuando todas las historias se acaban«
Abraham mateo – girlfriend
Creación del personaje con Javier Manrique
Formación actoral en la base del Actor
Bachillerato Arte dramático en Isabel la Catolica
Formación actoral en Studio Di Pace
Curso intensivo en Central School. Speech and drama(London)
Other specialties:
Stuntman, Personal trainer
Dance: Break dance, Salsa, Bachata, Jump style
Singing: hip hop
Sports: Boxeo, fútbol, baloncesto, calistenia, carts, baseball, bici de montaña, parkour,
Other special abilities: beat box
Driving licences: car drive licence