Ethnic type: Caucasian
Age range: 15-20
Year of birth: 2008
Height: 1’65
Weight: 49 kg
Eye color: Brown
Natural Hair Color: Brunette
Current country of residence: Dominican Republic and Spain
Country of birth: Spain
Country in which the artist grew up during his childhood:  Spain
Town and province where you usually reside: Madrid and Santo Domingo
Possible accommodation: Madrid, Barcelona, Munich, London and Santo Domingo
2 courses for young people at the «Juan Carlos Corazza Studio for the actor».
Private singing lessons with the » voice Craft» Victor Gonzalez
2 years of piano training with the «suzuki method»
Graduated from AD maiora school with high honors.
Other specialties:
Novelist, screenwriter
Dance: Dances with rhythm at a non-professional level
Sports: ride horse
Musical instruments: piano (suzuki metido, basic)
MATERNAL Languages: Spanish
Accents: Argentino, mexican, neutral latin
Other Languages: English (fluent)
Accents: American English
Janapese: starting classes
Other special abilities:
TV series:
«Los Musikistas»
«A long history”Role:Main
“the heroine sisters”Role:Main
“La gran movida”Role:Main
“Que te Digo” (pre-production) Role:Antagonist
“Poupurri” (Pre-production) Role:Main
“Hablando de locuras” Role: Main/Claudia
“Pocahontas the musical” Role: Main/Pocahontas

Social Media:

Entrevista Programa TV por su novela:"La Maldición de Willow Creek"

Film Dubbing - Anime

Spanish Introcuction (neutral latin)

Spanish Introcuction