Ethnic type: Mediterranean
Age range: 25-35
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Build: Average
Eye color: Green
Natural Hair Color: Brown
Current country of residence: Italy
Country of birth: Italy
Country in which the artist grew up during his childhood: Italy
Town and province where you usually reside: Italy
Possible accommodation (around the world): Paris, Prague, Madrid, Cordoba (Spain), Barcelona, Buenos Aires
Mother Tongues: Italian
Other languages:
Spanish, English, French, Arbereshe.
Accents: British and American English, Castilian and Argentinian Spanish, All Italian Accents
Dialects: Italian dialects (Calabrian, Sicilian, Roman)

Emmy Awards (USA) Candidatura a la Nominación a Mejor Actriz de Reparto por ZeroZeroZero, dir. Stefano Sollima, Janus Metz, Pablo Trapero 2020
REGGIO CALABRIA FILM FESTIVAL (Italia) Premio “Cinema in Serie” por  ZeroZeroZero,dir. Stefano Sollima, Janus Metz, Pablo Trapero 2020       

Premio Nacional de las Artes (Italia) – Mención especial 2018       
Premio Hystrio Alla Vocazione (Italia) – Premio Mejor Actriz 2018
Festival de Cine de Taranto (Italia) – Premio Mejor Actriz por Dalle Parti di Astrid dir. F. Mattioni 2018      

Premio Esad Got Talent (Cordoba, ESP) – Premio Mejor Performance 2016
Roma Web Awards (Italia) – Nominación a Mejor Actriz de Reparto por F*ck the Zombies! dir. Daniele Barbiero 2015        

Roma Web Awards (Italia) – Premio Mejor Cast por F*ck the Zombies!, dir. Daniele Barbiero
Festival FACTORY (Italia) – Premio Mejor Compañía Teatral por GANGBANK, dir. T. Zaccheo 2013
WITHOUT BLOOD dir. Angelina Jolie (papel: actriz y doble de acción) ● De Maio Entertainment 2024
TUTTO AL SUO POSTO dir. Giorgio Romano (papel: Loredana) ● Prod. Rai
VIVERE dir. Francesca Archibugi ● Lotus Production
SPIRAL dir. Orazio Guarino ● Prod. Naffintusi
DALLE PARTI DI ASTRID dir. Federico Mattioni (papel: Astrid) ● Matt Production
PHOTOSHOCK! dir. Massimo Paolucci (papel: Posadera) ● Diamonds International Film
L’ARTE DELLA GIOIA dir. Valeria Golino, Nicolangelo Gelormini (papel: Mena) ● Sky
THE PLACE OF LIFE dir. Maria Sole Tognazzi, Nicola Sorcinelli (papel: Nadia) ● Paramount+
GERRI dir. Giuseppe Bonito (papel: Noemi) ● Rai1
LA LEGGE DI LIDIA POËT 2 dir. Matteo Rovere, Letizia Lamartire (papel: Azzurra) ● Netflix
THE GOOD MOTHERS dir. Julian Jarrold, Elisa Amoruso (papel: Beatrice) ● Disney+
LA LEGGE DI LIDIA POËT dir. Matteo Rovere, Letizia Lamartire (papel: Azzurra) ● Netflix
VIOLA COME IL MARE dir. Francesco Vicario (papel: Serena) ● LuxVide
ZEROZEROZERO dir. Stefano Sollima, Pablo Trapero, Janus Metz (papel: Lucia) ● Amazon, Sky Atlantic, Canal+, HBO Nordic
DONNE, VITTIME E CARNEFICI dir. Luca Alcieri ● La7
ANTIGONE dir. Giovanni Greco (papel: Antigone) ● Segesta Festival
ANTOLOGIA DELLA RESISTENZA dir. Francesco Maccarinelli, Christian Laiontini
MICHELANGELO, IL CUORE E LA PIETRA dir. Luca Basile (papel: Vittoria Colonna)
LA REPUBBLICA ROMANA dir. Luca Basile (papel: Annetta
I RIFIUTI, LA CITTA’ E LA MORTE dir. Giovanni Ortoleva (papel: Emma de Waldenstein, Rugiada,
Asbach-Lilly, Miss Violet, Mrs. Müller, Marie-Antoinette) ● Biennale di Venezia
TEATRO DE EXCEPCIÓN dir. Lisandro Rodriguez ● Prod. ERT – Emilia Romagna Teatro
XII L’APPESO dir. Francesca Caprioli (papel: Dina) ● Festival di Spoleto
RAFFAELLO, IL MOZART DELLA PITTURA dir. Yuri Napoli (papel: Mozart) ● Prod. Treccani
STORIA DELLA FOLLIA NELL’ETA’ CLASSICA dir. Angelica Liddell (tour europeo)
LA RIVOLUZIONE D’OTTOBRE FOSSE STATA DI MAGGIO dir. Giovanni Greco (papel: Giorgiana Masi) ● prod. Teatro Massimo (Cagliari)
E’ UN CONTINENTE PERDUTO dir. Francesca Caprioli (papel: Ruby/Veronica) ● Prod. ANAD
PARTYTIME, dir. Valentino Villa (papel: Liz) ● prod. ANAD
L’ECCENTRICITA’ DI UN USIGNOLO, dir. Paolo Costantini (papel: Mrs Winemiller) ● Prod. ANAD
EDEYEN (di Letizia Russo) dir. Paolo Costantini (papel: Petra) ● Prod. ANAD
IL CAVALIERE DEL PESTELLO ARDENTE dir. Lorenzo Salveti (papel: Mrs Merrythoughts) ● Festival dei Due Mondi di Spoleto
REFUGIO dir. Miguel Angel Garcia ● Prod. ESAD (Cordoba, España)
MASK 3 dir. Michele Monetta ● Festival dei Due Mondi di Spoleto
XIQU – THE TRADITIONAL CHINESE OPERA dir. Tian Mansha ● Festival dei Due Mondi
UNGRA dir. Teodora Nadoleanu (papel: Ungra) ● Prod. Kateo Studios S.r.l.
ABSYRTUS dir. Ugo Benini, Julie Bouriche ● Segesta Festival
L’ASCETA dir. Pietro De Silva
DONNE IN CERCA DI GUAI dir. Pietro De Silva
MY LOVE dir. Lorenzo Gioielli (papel: Marianne) ● Prod. L.I.S.A.
GANGBANK dir. Tommaso Zaccheo
E LE FAVOLE DOVE STANNO? dir. Saverio La Ruina
AMELÍA dir. Fabio Orefice, Rodolfo “Belusci” Croce (papel: Amelia/madre) ● Prod. FM Photographers, Calabria Film Commission
SPETTRI dir. Andrea Gatopoulos (papel: Greta) ● Prod. Il Varco
ONYRICON dir. Andrea Gatopoulos (papel: Actriz) ● Prod. Il Varco
LA NOTTE DELLA SEMINA dir. Luigi Mascolo (papel: Protagonista)
TORNA DA ME dir. Pietro Freddi
BEYOND US dir. Daniele Pace (papel: Lisa)
BLOOD FLOW dir. Giulio Neglia (papel: voz en off) ● Prod. Salenzia
VIAGGIO IN UN LOOP AUTENTICO dir. Piero Messina ● Prod. Academia Nacional de Danza (RM)
THIS PLACE WAS A SHELTER (Ólafur Arnalds) dir. Raffaele Piano
F*CK THE ZOMBIES! dir. Daniele Barbiero (papel: Meryl)
Sports: Equestrianism, fencing, fiction boxing, archery, cross-country running, volleyball, new.
Instruments: Recorder, flute, transverser tambourine, cajón
Dance: folkloric dances, modern dance, African dances, reggaeton, voguing. She don’t dance at a professional level, but she have a good foundation in each of these disciplines.
Sing/voice register: Mezzo-soprano/dramatic soprano. She worked in many musicals  and have won some singing competitions. Recently, she recorded the soundtrack for the short film ‘Amelia,’ directed by Fabio Orefice and Rodolfo “Belusci” Croce.
Specialist (Stuntman, Stuntman) weapons, stunt actress
Other special abilities:
Acting coach
Driving licences: B1
Actor Improvement acting workshop with Lisandro Rodriguez (ERT)
Virtual Reality acting workshop with Elio Germano
The Versatile Actor acting workshop with Augusto Fornari
Ecole Des Maîtres – Edition XXVIII acting workshop with Angelica Lidell
Teatro Argentina School of Acting Improvement (Rome)
Singing lessons with Raffaella Misiti (Linklater methodology)
National Academy of Dramatic Art «SILVIO D’AMICO» Degree with honors in Disciplines of Visual Arts, Music, Spectacle and Fashion (Rome)
Erasmus at the School of Dramatic Art «Miguel Salcedo Hierro» (Cordoba, ESP)
Noh Theater acting workshop with Hosho Kazuhide
Acting workshop with Eugenio Barba (Odin Teatret)
Acting techniques and psychodramatic performance lab for film and television «MOEBIUS» with Roberto Luis Garay
Acting in English with Terianne Falcone
Basic Course for Stunt Double with Claudio Pacifico
FONDERIA DELLE ARTI – School of cinema, theater and musicals (Rome)
School of musicals KHOREIA 2000 (Cosenza)
Singing lessons with Silvia Mezzanotte
Specialist (Stuntman, Stuntman) I started studying under with the weapons master Claudio Pacifico, and now I train with stunt coordinator Paola Marziale Patitari. Recently, I worked as a stunt actress on Angelina Jolie’s film ‘Without Blood’.
Other training schools:
Kickboxing and archery classes with Paola Marziale Patitari (Stunt’s strenght & conditioning)
Physical preparation for cinema with trainer Paola Marziale Patitari
Parkour and acrobatics classes with Fabio Saraceni (traceur)
Singing lessons with Fabio Lazzara (vocal coach)
Riding lessons with Roberto Concezzi (stunt-man)
African dance, voguing and modern dance lessons with Jamila Bashir.

Italian Reel

Memberships: Artisti 7607, Unita, Mujeres nel Cinema, Amleta

Social media:

Instagram @nika.perrone
X (twitter)